HA Dermal Fillers at Old Manor Surgery
Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring sugar chain molecule found in all skin and soft tissues throughout the body, identical across species.
Dermal fillers are manufactured, usually through fermentation and cross-linking with proteins, to produce a clear, sterile gel for the treatment of the skin.
In the UK, there are over 160 brands on the market due in some part to weak regulation. Not all hyaluronic acids are the same; each brand has a range of ‘tissue-tailored’ products designed for specific results. One size does not fit all. At this clinic, we use only tried and tested brands. If you have a particular brand you prefer, please discuss it with us.
Before the Treatment
All make-up will need to be removed prior to treatment, so please come ‘fresh-faced’ if possible. Alcohol, aspirin, Ibuprofen and a range of dietary supplements including St. John’s Wort, fish oils, Gingko Biloba, and Vitamins C and E- may all contribute to bruising and are best avoided 24 hours before treatment. Treatment cannot be administered if there is an active skin infection, including acne or cold sores or if you are unwell- including colds, coughs, sore throats, etc. Do contact the clinic to discuss any illness or new medicines prior to attending.
Aftercare Advice
Most people are able to continue with normal activities with immediate improvement in their appearance. Some will have some redness, pin prick marks, and possibly swelling- particularly in the lips. Possibly bruising. Any swelling and bruising may be more apparent the next day.
Make-up should not be worn for 12 hours.
You are advised to avoid alcohol, vigorous exercise, sunbathing, and extremes of heat or cold for 14 days post-treatment. These activities have been found to increase and prolong swelling.
Swelling may worsen in the first 24 hours and then should settle within the first few days. Cold packs can be helpful in reducing swelling. As a consequence of swelling, the product may feel harder or lumpy, and you may notice some asymmetry. The final result may be judged at 2 weeks.
Bruising may take a few days to appear; arnica can be helpful in clearing bruising. It is advisable to avoid aspirin and alcohol for 12-48 hours after treatment. Tenderness should settle as swelling goes down.
Athletes should be aware some ingredients in the product may show a positive in ‘anti-dope tests.’
Please contact your practitioner if redness, tenderness, itching or swelling worsens after 3 days rather than settling.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns.
Hyaluronic Acid administration can result in anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction), which in itself is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction can include shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, difficulty swallowing, swelling of the tongue, eyelids, lips, hoarseness of the voice, stomach pain, nausea or diarrhoea. If you have any of the above symptoms, please report them to your nearest Accident and Emergency Department or call 999 for an ambulance.
How does it work?
Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are a clear sterile gel in a syringe for the treatment of the skin, providing instant correction. Hyaluronic acid attracts and binds water in the skin, providing volume and hydration, but also ‘cushioning’ and supporting collagen and elastin fibres and providing a medium, or carrier, for chemical messages between the cells.
What is it used to treat?
- To correct or enhance facial contours: cheeks, temples, jawline, nose, and chin.
- To define, correct or enhance lips.
- To soften and correct facial wrinkles or folds.
- To restore lost volume in hands to reduce the appearance of veins and tendons.
- To improve the tone, texture and hydration of the skin.
Is it safe?
Dermal fillers are safe but not risk-free; the nurse practitioner will discuss all the risks and benefits with you at consultation and again prior to treatment.
Am I suitable for the treatment?
The practitioner will take a detailed medical history to ensure you have no conditions that might increase the risk of unwanted side effects; consultation is also important to discuss your expectations and whether or not this treatment is able to meet them.
Does it hurt?
Most leading brands also contain a local anaesthetic, and we will apply a topical anaesthetic cream, or ice, prior to treatment to numb the skin. Treatment need not be painful.
How long will it last?
Longevity does vary between products and between individuals, but most will last between 6 months and 18 months. If you choose not to maintain the results with further treatment, your skin will return to its pre-treatment state over time.
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